Wednesday, January 26, 2011

an experiment in autopilot

Retrieve remote from file cabinet
Go to Jeff's office
Press lock on file cabinet
Turn computer off
Turn off lights
Move Dotson
Close door
Lock door
Unplug coffee pot
Turn on copier
Grab clipboard
Write date
Write initials
Write "End #"
Press user functions
Record number on clipboard
Open PRM door
Shut PRM door
Push in chairs @ microform stations
Shut down microform stations
Shut down microform machines
Recycle excess paper at Printer 6
Grab any books/magazines on trucks by Current Periodicals
Set down books/magazines/remote
Straighten Non-fiction Best Sellers
Straighten Fiction Best Sellers
Straighten New books
Pick up books/magazines/remote
Recycle excess paper at Printer 10
Check bulletin board
Turn off TV
Mark items used
Truck books/shelve magazines
Grab smart card box
Retrieve "tokens"
Write number of "tokens" on piece of paper with date
Rubber-band "tokens" with piece of paper 
Put "tokens" in smart card box
Turn off laptop
Unlock door
Open door
Set smart card box on desk
Close door
Lock door
Unlock Computer
Send memos
Put memos in envelopes
Put folder, memo envelopes, and remote in file cabinet
Check lockers

This takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes of my night at work... and sometimes I'll get home and think... "did I lock that door?" or, "did I shut that X down?"  Oh autopilot you help me find peace in the ability to shut off my mind and go through the motions... but you ultimately frustrate the bejesus out of me.

My entire life since I moved to Indiana has felt like an experiment in autopilot.  Maybe it's the weird schedule... maybe it's fear... maybe it's both or maybe something else... but I had so many GREAT plans when I moved here that I've not set into action... but that is all about to change...